Providers Community

artwork illustrating the spirit of our providers community

Join our online community for wellness providers and therapists. Our main purpose is creating a space for you to connect with others on a similar journey, a motivational space for personal and community development.

All are welcome, especially those who feel a bit alone on their paths or are curious to share their stories and learn about others.

Why join us?

Joining our online community is FREE! We’ll walk the extra mile by providing:

  • Inspirational content

  • Tips

  • Useful links

  • Monthly quotes and reminders

  • Self-care ideas

  • UK based CPD courses listings

  • Online events

  • Free guided meditations

  • Themed discussions

  • Peer support groups

You can be part of the community, without any pressure to attend events. Of course we would love if you joined discussions, ultimately supporting others and getting support in return. We hope you also look forward to our monthly content and newsletters ;).

What inspired our community?

MetaProvide is committed to doing good in the world by helping provides, like you, help others. You’re at the core of developing our services to help you securely manage your work and your clients more effectively. Thanks to your feedback, we’ve developed a community vision to hold space and empower all you therapists and wellness practitioners out there. 

We aim to create a genuine hub of friendliness, motivation and support. By walking together with a shared purpose, we become stronger and reach more people.

“How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all its beauty? It felt the encouragement of light against its Being. Otherwise, we’d all remain too frightened.”
